Ken Lo
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Ken Lo (1959)


Kenneth Low Wai-kwong is a Hong Kong actor, martial artist, and stuntman. He was a member of the Jackie Chan Stunt Team.

Other Name: Houi-kang LowKen Lo Wai-KwongKwan Lee HoLow Houi-KangLow Houi KangLow Houl KangLo Wai KoLo Wai KwongLowei KwongHo Kwan LeeKenneth LoWai Ko LoWai-kwong LoKeneth LouiHarold LowHoui Kang LowHoui-Kang Low노혜광Hui Kang Low卢惠光Kenneth Lo Wai-KwongKwong Jai盧惠光Ken Lo

Age: 66

Birthday: March 17, 1959

Place Birth: Stung Treng, Cambodia

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