Oranate D. Caballes
  • TMDB

Oranate D. Caballes (1994)


Oranate D. Caballes, also known as Richie Omrawadee, is an actress and athlete born in Chiang Mai, Thailand. She comes from a mixed family: her father is of Thai, Filipino, Australian, Swiss, UK, and Spanish descent, and her mother, of Thai and Chinese descent, is from Lahu.

Other Name: อมราวดี ดีคาบาเลสอรเณศ ดีคาบาเลสริชชี่ อรเณศ ดีคาบาเลสOmrawadee D.caballesRichie OmrawadeeRichy Oranate D.caballesAmaravadeeAmravatiOranate D. Caballes

Age: 31

Birthday: September 6, 1994

Place Birth: Chiang Mai, Thailand

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Oranate D. Caballes